Favorite quotes

If you truly love nature, you will find B E A U T Y everywhere. ~Van Gogh

Monday, June 27, 2011

Vintage Wedding

Recently I had the privilege of designing flowers for a vintage wedding for a bride whom I've known for several years.

When we met to talk about how she envisioned the day I was thrilled she wanted to do a vintage wedding with lots of soft muted colors, texture and elegance.

Blueberry Love

This weekend Birdman, Little Bird and I attended a party this weekend waaayyy out in the country. It was a gathering to say good-bye to a young lady who just graduated from college and is on her way to a remote East European country for a year. Lovettesville is the home of our friends and they LOVEETTE there. Their home is surrounded by 10 acres and if Lisa had her way all of it would be garden-scaped. Check out their beautiful hydrangeas

These beauties are all along the front porch and are just glorious with all their big colorful moppy heads with their dark green leaves as a background. The colors range from deep and pale blue and some are lacking sulpher and sport a loverly shade of clear pink. To read about soil conditions which determine the different colors, read this

Lisa shared and a big bouquet of these gorgeous mop heads came home with us.
The gorgeous shades of blue reminded of my "Blue Bride" whose celebrating an anniversary soon. What a fun blue Howard County wedding!

Mr. and Mrs. Lovettesville have planted a dozen or so blueberry bushes which are loaded with the lucious ripe berries and they're such generous folks we came home with a container of the yummies. I can't tell you how many times Birdman and I opened the container on the long drive home to grab a handful. Mmmm....

Yesterday I made Blueberry Chutney and Lemon Thyme Shortbread Cookies and served them with brie and white wine. The evening was cool and breezy, unlike most late June Maryland evenings. A neighbor came over to enjoy the wine with Birdman, myself and Little Bird. The wine and apps led to a flank on the grill and to tell you the truth we just didn't want the evening to end. If you want to make the chutney or shortbread I found the recipes here

Here's to old friends, family, blueberries, neighbors and hydrangea love on a cool summer evening.