Favorite quotes

If you truly love nature, you will find B E A U T Y everywhere. ~Van Gogh

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Home for the Holidays/Howard County Floral and Interior Design

Right before Christmas Dellablooms collaborated with Debbie McHale of Interior Transformations in a new community, Patuxent Chase in Howard County.
A festive cube of roses, orchids, berries, and holdiay evergreens adorns the opulent table setting. 
 Gallery 44 provided some gorgeous artwork to showcase the table settings shown here.

  Toll Brother's home builders does a fabulous job of not only building gorgeous homes but also helping residents feel at home in their new neighborhood.  One of the ways they accomplish this is by hosting a Holiday lunch in their model on a Saturday where all the current residents and the ones who've not moved in yet get together.  It was festive and fun and a great opportunity for residents to meet professionals who can make their house a home with interior design and flowers.  We enjoyed sharing ways to decorate for the Holidays with place settings along with flowers and linens to create everything from an opulent feel, a family gathering and even a kid's table. 

Dana O'Sullivan with www.DellaBlooms and Debbie McHale with www.InteriorTrans formations
What a team!

Above we are standing next to an everlasting piece by DellaBlooms for one of Debbie's client's home. They wanted a Holiday arrangement for a center table in their foyer. We staged the piece at the model home event right before delivery.  Adding dried hydrangeas along with berries, lilys and magnolia gives gorgeous dimension and life to the everlastings in this deep hued ceramic pot.
Opulent Holiday table setting by www.DellaBlooms and www.InteriorTrans Placemats, napkins, plates, and ornament napkin ring from River Hill Nursery Center.

www.dellablooms  Hannukah flower arrangement graced this side table.
The Family table setting in the family room by www.dellablooms

Gallery 44 artwork displayed in this beautiful room. 

The Kid's Table sporting a whimsical sleigh full of flowers and greens alongside Mr. Snowman. 
Residence enjoyed a wonderful catered lunch at this Holiday get-together.  Boxwood flanks Anthiriums, tulips and roses grace the table near the kitchen.

Overall this was such a fun day speaking to home owners about Interior Transformation's full-service interior design and DellaBlooms and Gifts floral and event design. 

Thank you Toll Brother's for a fun afternoon in your beautiful model home in Patuxent Chase, Howard County.  Readers you must see the photos of these home or go see the model for yourself.